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Remote Exploits

Since most remote exploits involve connecting to a service that is running on your computer then the obvious answer is to reduce the number of services you run. You should only be running services that you understand.

There are many different ways of checking to see what services there are running on your computer that can be connected to from the outside world. I normally use `lsof -i'.

[stephen@kebl1088 stephen]$ sudo lsof -i
portmap    299     bin    3u  inet 0x02494018        0t0  UDP *:sunrpc
portmap    299     bin    4u  inet 0x022b6c0c        0t0  TCP *:sunrpc (LISTEN)
syslogd    405    root    1u  inet 0x02213018        0t0  UDP *:syslog
inetd      447    root    4u  inet 0x0214e810        0t0  TCP *:ftp (LISTEN)
inetd      447    root    5u  inet 0x0214ec0c        0t0  TCP *:telnet (LISTEN)
inetd      447    root    6u  inet 0x02144018        0t0  UDP *:talk
inetd      447    root    7u  inet 0x02144414        0t0  UDP *:ntalk
inetd      447    root    8u  inet 0x02144810        0t0  TCP *:pop-3 (LISTEN)
inetd      447    root    9u  inet 0x02144c0c        0t0  TCP *:imap (LISTEN)
inetd      447    root   10u  inet 0x02143018        0t0  TCP *:finger (LISTEN)
inetd      447    root   11u  inet 0x02143414        0t0  TCP *:auth (LISTEN)
httpd    30082   httpd   15u  inet 0x02407018        0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
httpd    30651   httpd   15u  inet 0x02407018        0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
sendmail 31682 stephen    9u  inet 0x022fb810 0xbb2a9b1a  TCP
                                                  -> (SYN_SENT)
epic     19820   chris    3u  inet 0x00845810 0x944d8094  TCP localhost:14725->
                                                  localhost:irc (ESTABLISHED)

Notice that given the options I did you got both the LISTENing processes (those processes that are waiting for a connection from the outside world, such as the web server, and open connections, such as sendmail sending an outgoing email and a user called chris connecting to the local IRC server).

Some people like to use `netstat' instead:

[stephen@eddie stephen]$ netstat --listen
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0 *:smtp                  *:*                     LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                     LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:auth                  *:*                     LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:finger                *:*                     LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:telnet                *:*                     LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:ftp                   *:*                     LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*                     LISTEN      
udp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*                                 
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
unix  0      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     510076 /tmp/.font-unix/fs-1

Aside lsof is cool for other reasons, eg, looking at which processes currently have a file open, or in the case below which processes are suing a particular mounted partition.

[stephen@kebl1088 stephen]$ sudo /usr/sbin/lsof /home
irc        2237  nikita  cwd    DIR    3,3     1024 240817 /home (/dev/hda3)
screen     4027    lucy  cwd    DIR    3,3     1024  73467 /home (/dev/hda3)
bash       6974     wol  cwd    DIR    3,3     2048 153045 /home (/dev/hda3)
ssh        6968     wol  cwd    DIR    3,3     2048 153045 /home (/dev/hda3)
bash      18462      tr  cwd    DIR    3,3     1024  85682 /home (/dev/hda3)
ssh       18463      tr  cwd    DIR    3,3     1024  85682 /home (/dev/hda3)
epic      19820   chris  cwd    DIR    3,3     4096 161168 /home (/dev/hda3)

In both cases read the man page to find out more about the wealth of parameters they provide and the information they can give.

If you don't have access to either netstat or lsof then you could try a running a `strobe' or `portscan' on your computer, which will try to connect to each port and tell you if anything is listening. There are many pieces of software for doing this, including some that can try to give you information even behind certain types of firewall. One commond one is called nmap (and it's available for Windows as well as Unix).

[stephen@kebl1088 nmap-2.07]$ ./nmap -FI eddie

Starting nmap V. 2.07 by Fyodor (,
Interesting ports on eddie.cipe (
Port    State       Protocol  Service         Owner
21      open        tcp        ftp             root
22      open        tcp        ssh             root
79      open        tcp        finger          root
111     open        tcp        sunrpc          bin
113     open        tcp        auth            root
119     open        tcp        nntp            root
515     open        tcp        printer         root
2049    open        tcp        nfs             nobody
3900    open        tcp        udt_os          stephen
6000    open        tcp        xterm           root

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4 seconds
[stephen@kebl1088 nmap-2.07]$

NB -F is `fast', it doesn't check all ports, just the ones that are listed in /etc/services. It's worth understanding the options that you use.

nmap can, of course, be used against remote computers to determine if they are running any services you think are expoitable. For this reason you might want to log portscans that your computer recieves. To do this under linux use `tcplog' which will log all attempted connections, even if they don't connect to a service that you are running. do not run nmap against remote hosts, many administrators will look on it as the beginning of an cracking attempt and may either firewall you or contact OUCS about it!

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Stephen White